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These are invaluable resources for musicians and music arrangers.
At the listed web sites you can find a variety of Music Software Programs designed for general or special music production.
Wiki - MIDI editors and sequencers
Jazz++ MIDI and Audio Sequencer
5 Garageband alternatives for Windows
Wikipedia List of scorewriters
LilyPond Note Printing Software
MidiIllustrator music notation
Mozart Music Notation Software
MuseScore - Composition & Notation
Noteflight - Online Music Notation
Musette Free Music/Song Editor
musink - Beautiful sheet music
MobileSheets - for Windows too!
Crippled titles in Music Finder
Song titles in the Music Finder are by default crippled. Get un-crippled versions from the PSR Tutorial site.
The database can be edited in the keyboard; or in Music Finder File Manager software.
The external links are permanently stored here.
Style Intro 4 and Ending 4
For ages the keyboard Data List have mentioned the MIDI commands for calling style parts 'Intro 4' and 'Ending 4'. But there are no buttons to activate these style parts.
This program adds the missing buttons.
More at the Style Intro 4 and Ending 4 Home Page.