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The program can handle a single file or multiple files. Just hold down "Ctrl" key when selecting files.
The Note names in channel 10 are the standard General MIDI percussion instrument names.
If your file uses another Drum Set you will have to consult your manual for the instrument mapping for this Drum Set.
The volume can be changed 100% up or down.
100 % down equals not audible note. Works as the note was deleted!
The volume will be changed at all notes matching the settings in the entire file(s).
Ver. | Date | Changes |
1.3 | 2020-01-01 | No new features. JRE (Java Runtime Environment) ver. 8 is required. Read Get JRE for more information. |
1.2 | 2017-12-04 | Open File type filter added. |
1.1 | 2016-12-28 | Up / down changed from +/- 50 % to +/- 100%. 100 % down fakes deleted note. |
1.0 | 2015-07-13 | Initial release. |
Single Note Volume Changer.
© 2015-2025 Jørgen Sørensen.
All Rights Reserved.
You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this program.
Copyright laws apply to this program, and the copyright holder retains all rights.
Users of Single Note Volume Changer must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
Converting MIDIs to Styles
As styles basically are MIDI files it is possible to convert MIDI files to styles.
There are a few software programs available for this, among these midi2style.
The process is not that straight forwarded; but reading the documentation will give you the basic knowledge.
Text Formatter
This program is for formatting text files to keyboard screen.
Text Formatter looks like and can be used like any text processor. But besides this it has some effective editing features designed especially for editing chord/lyrics text files.
More at the Text Formatter Home Page.