For ages the keyboard Data List have mentioned the MIDI commands for calling style parts "Intro 4" and "Ending 4".
This has been commented several times:
- Currently no Yamaha keyboard supports 4. But if they ever bring one out, they won't have to change their style file definition.
- If you're into programming style files, you can store an intro or ending there when you're moving things around.
- Those sections can only be selected via MIDI Sysex messages - not from the panel. So in short they are there, but might as well not be.
- I don't know why Yamaha put these extra slots on the keyboards but there are only three Intro's and endings on most Yamaha keyboards.
- Is it possible to use? Answer: Nope
- None of the PSR / Tyros boards have a panel button that can trigger them, so they are not much use.
- Wrong, these commands are NOT reserved for future use only. Or unusable. They can be used today...
- Right, there are no buttons to activate these style parts, but...
This program adds the missing buttons. Of course not to your keyboard, but to a computer connected to your keyboard.
Go to the keyboard Style Creator - or your sequencer software - and create a style which holds these style parts; or try the demo style.
These style parts - besides being intro/ending parts - can be used as "long" fill parts.
These "missing" style parts can be called by clicking the buttons in the User interface; by clicking computer keys; or by using an attached foot switch. Read more at the Program Help page.