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Style Time Editor

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Program Help

Technical Problems

Style Time Editor is a software program for creating style parts in Yamaha Keyboard style files with individual Time Signature's.

A Yamaha keyboard style file can by design requirements only have one Time Signature for the entire file.

However, this program can create individual Time Signatures for each part in a style file.

Demo files

• Download SwingABD_WaltzC.mid. As the name says a MIDI swing (4/4) file where the Main C part is a waltz (3/4) part.
• Download the Style file zip created with this program.

A default CASM section has been added. Check Style Creation Course - Part 10 for detailed instructions.

If you reopen a style once saved in this program it will NOT show the Time Signatures you have added. As the keyboard can handle only one Time Signature, the changing of Time Signature is faked through a combination of tempo changes and note movements.
Style editing
Style Time Editor


1.102020-01-01No new features.
.Net Framework ver. 4.0 is required. Read Get .Net Framework for more information.
1.92017-11-26Support for the hidden style parts: Intro D and Ending D. More.
1.82013-10-15File Open Dialog will show style files only.
1.72013-07-27Improved compatibility with systems running more .Net Frameworks.
1.62012-12-01Compatibility with more .Net Frameworks.
Code revision.
1.52011-09-28View menu added. Defines and saves User Interface size setting.
Added shortcuts to most used file operations.
.Net Framework ver. 2 is required.
Minor changes in the User Interface.
1.42010-02-10Code revision.
1.32009-03-01Added multilingual Online Help. Accessible from within the program and from this page.
1.22008-02-15Code revision to avoid file reading errors reported at some systems.
1.12006-09-26More Time Signature available as time base /2, /8, /16, and /32 plus beats from 8 to 32 have been added.
1.02006-02-25Initial release.
Legal Stuff

Style Time Editor.
© 2006-2025 Jørgen Sørensen.
All Rights Reserved.

You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this program.


Copyright laws apply to this program, and the copyright holder retains all rights.

The program must NOT be altered or decompiled nor included as part of another system or program without permission from the holder of copyright. Uploading to web sites or file servers or inclusion at cd's, copying to other persons etc. is strictly prohibited.


Users of Style Time Editor must accept this disclaimer of warranty:

Style Time Editor and its related documentation is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use or inability to use Style Time Editor.

Tip of the Day

Converting MIDIs to Styles

As styles basically are MIDI files it is possible to convert MIDI files to styles.

There are a few software programs available for this, among these midi2style.

The process is not that straight forwarded; but reading the documentation will give you the basic knowledge.

Software of the Day

Text Formatter

This program is for formatting text files to keyboard screen.

Text Formatter looks like and can be used like any text processor. But besides this it has some effective editing features designed especially for editing chord/lyrics text files.

More at the Text Formatter Home Page.

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